Friday, August 22, 2014

Attribute Activity #week1faith

In Preach My Gospel There is an activity in Chapter 6. It is the Attribute Activity. Here are the directions it has 
Read each item below carefully. Decide how true that statement is about you. and choose the most appropriate response from the response key. Write your response to each item in your study journal. Spiritual growth is a gradual process and no one is perfect, so you should expect to rate  yourself better on some items than on others. 

1- Never 
2- Sometimes 
3- Often 
4- Almost Always 
5- Always 

As tomorrow is the last day I am going to focus on #week1faith I wanted to post this. Please take today to read these scriptures and then tomorrow score yourself and make goals on how to improve and strengthen your faith. 

I hope you have enjoyed the insight I have shared. I would love to read any insight or shared testimony. Just add #week1faith. 


    ___* I believe in Christ and accept Him as my Savior. (2 Nephi 25:29)
    ___* I feel confident that God loves me. (1Nephi 11:17)
    ___* I trust the Savior enough to accept His will and do whatever He asks. (1Nephi 3:7)
    ___* I firmly believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can be forgiven of all my sins.

___* I have enough faith in Christ to obtain answers to my prayers. (Mosiah 27:14)

___* I think about the Savior during the day and remember what He has done for me.

___* I have the faith necessary to help make good things happen in my life or the lives of others.

___* I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true. (Moroni 10:3–5)

___* I have enough faith in Christ to accomplish anything He wants me to do—
         even miracles, if necessary. (Moroni 7:33)

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