Thursday, September 11, 2014

Scripture Links for #week2hope

Here are the scripture links for Hope. I learned a lot and gained more understanding of hope

Scripture Study

Scripture links for #week1faith

I was going to post the scripture links a while ago and I totally forgot. Here they are. I learned a lot from studying these.

Scripture Study

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Experiencing Charity and Love

This past week and a half I have been super busy getting packed and ready to come out to school and doing orientation. 

So I am going to redo my #week3charityandlove starting today. 

These past weeks have really taught me a lot about Charity and Love. My family and friends have truly been helping me get through these busy times. 

They have shown me Charity by helping me move and unpack and get everything situated. I just kept thinking that if Christ were here spending time with me He would be doing what my family and friends were doing. He would be talking with me, helping me and caring for me. It was great to feel a Christlike love from these great people who are truly disciples of Christ. 

At orientation I felt more Charity and Love. From meeting new people, to the talks filled with the spirit and to the Spirit testifying to me that this is where I am meant to be. 

These weeks reminded me that we are truly Christ's hands upon the earth. We must reach out and lift those who are feeling down. Let us be Disciples 24/7 and share Christlike love through our words, deeds, actions and attitudes. 


Friday, August 29, 2014

Hope Is Vital

We all need hope. With out hope we become depressed, lonely, or faithless. Though when we have hope in Jesus Christ and His atonement then we are full of joy, peace, love and faith. 

Faith is a part of our spirits. When we have hope in something we center our faith on that and work to have it come to pass. 

If we truly center our hope on Jesus Christ then the other hopes we have in other things will become stronger. 

As we know there is opposition in all things such as light and darkness. The opposite of hope is despair. Satan wants us to feel the loss of hope. He wants us to be miserable like himself. We must defeat him, let us come to Christ and be full of light and hope. 

When we are righteous and obedient we can have hope in eternal life and the love of the Savior. We can also have hope in the power of repentance and forgiveness. 

Hope truly leads us to action that is why it is vital in our lives. 

Hope In A Hard World

Living in this time can be a struggle. We have wars and rumors of wars. There are even moral and spiritual wars. Some might say with all the tragedies how can we have hope? 

I have asked myself this question as well. Though I read a scripture in Moroni that touched my heart.  

Moroni 7:41-42 states  41 And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternaland this because of your faith in him according to the promise.

 42 Wherefore, if man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.
I really like this scripture. It helps us know what to have hope in. If we have hope in Jesus Christ and His atonement then we truly can endure all the trials that face us. 
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gave us His Son to Sacrifice His life for us. We are blessed to be able to have hope in eternal life and Heaven. 
I really like this song by Mercy River. It opened my eyes on how to have hope in a sometimes hard life and world. 
"The Reason For The World" 
There are no words in times like these
When tears don’t hide the tragedies
And all you want is a reason for the world

No comfort in the greeting card
Cause God is good
But life’s still hard
And your heart just wants a reason for the world

Maybe the reason for the pain
Is so we would pray for strength
And maybe the reason for the strength
Is so that we would not lose hope
And maybe the reason for all hope
Is so that we could face the world
And the reason for the world
Is to make us long for home

For God so loved your broken heart
He sent his son to where you are, 
and he died
To give a reason for the world

So lift your sorrows to the one
Whose plan for you has just begun
And rests here in the hands that hold the world

Maybe the reason for the pain
Is so we would pray for strength
And maybe the reason for the strength
Is so that we would not lose hope
And maybe the reason for all hope
Is so that we could face the world
And the reason for the world
Is to make us long for home

Well I know your past the point of broken
Surrounded by your fear

I know you’re faint and tired and lonely
From the road that you walked down here
But just keep your eyes on heaven
And know that you are not alone
Remember the reason for the world

No ear has heard
No eye has seen
Not even in your wildest dreams
A beauty that awaits beyond this world
When you look into the eyes of grace
And hear the voice of mercy say
Child, welcome to the reason for the world

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Finishing #week1faith starting #week2hope

I feel a little lazy that I didnt post anything for 3 days. 

Anyway. Week 1 for faith is now complete. I wanted to share a few extra things I have learned and then begin my #week2hope posts. 

I have really enjoyed reading Preach My Gospel and the scriptures that go with these Christlike attributes. I hope you have enjoyed reading my insights. Again if you have found any insights of your own please comment and share or record them in your journal so that you can remember them. Remember whenever the Spirit speaks to you write it down so you can remember it and review it later. It will bless your life. 

So here it goes. These are some new insights I had about Faith. 

Am I a true Disciple of Christ? 

In the scriptures I studied it talked about being a diligent follower of Christ. Serving Him and obeying Him with all heart, might, mind and strength. So I asked myself am I doing this? Obviously no one is perfect though I do try my best. I liked something that Jeffrey R. Holland said. He stated ,  "You never “check your religion at the door.” Not ever."  

 I love this. We must be a disciple of all times. Not just on Sunday or when its convenient. Where we go should not change our beliefs. We need to be true followers of Christ 24/7.  

Like I said before no one is perfect. Though let us challenge ourselves to work our hardest to be an example of the believers at all times, in all things, and in all places. 

Doubt Not Fear Not. 

We have often heard this statement. Though recently I have really applied into my life. If we have true faith we need not fear. The Lord is on our side. Though what is wonderful is that He understands our anxieties, or our self doubts. Faith and fear can not exist in our hearts at the same time.  If we come to Christ He will calm our earthy fears and give us Heavenly hope. 

Christ Loves All People 

I love that in the scriptures it testifies that Christ loves all. He loves every kindred, nation, tongue and people. We have a physical testimony of this found in the Book Of Mormon. He came to visit the people of ancient America. And we know after His resurrection Christ visited others as well. Christ loves us and all no matter of ethnicity we are or what language we speak. He loves us. Let us love and care for all people as He does. 

Miracles Are Real

We can truly see miracles according to our faith and the will of God. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and truly have power to perform miracles. Some miracles are as simple as feeling their love during hard times or receiving an answer to prayers. Miracles also come from obeying commandments and being faithful and willing to be exactly obedient. 

On my mission we had a saying, "Obedience brings blessings, EXACT obedience brings Miracles. 

The Atonement Is Real

Imagine you are in court. You know you are guilty and are about to receive the death sentence. Then from the back the doors open and a dear friend you know comes in and says ,
"Take me instead. I will die if you let her go."
That is exactly what Christ did for us. He died for our sins so that we can be free from Physical and spiritual death. How loving is that? I can not even describe in earthy terms the Love I feel for and from my Savior. 
I can not express my gratitude enough. I testify that the atonement is there for us. Let us apply into our lives and repent of our sins and become better. 

Christ is Patient 

I am so grateful that Christ is so patient with me. I have made so many mistakes. It sometimes takes me time to return to Christ. I am grateful that Christ is long suffering and loving. He truly waits on us to turn from our sins and turn to Him. He is always there with hands out stretched waiting for us to reach out and take His hand and allow Him to lift us up. 

We have Small Minds God Understands All 

It is great to know that God is all knowing. With our small earthly minds we can not understand somethings that happen in our life. Some events might happen that we do not understand or that we might get sad about. Its like looking at one piece of a puzzle piece and trying to understand what the picture on the box is. Its great to know that God has a plan for us and that He sees and understands perfectly the full picture. 

Change of Heart 

We learn in the scriptures that many people go through a change of heart where they come to Christ. Great examples are Saul who became Paul. Alma the Elder and Alma the younger and the Lamanites who converted to the gospel.  We like these examples in the scriptures can truly have a change of heart where we align our goals and desires with the Lord and have no more desire to do wickedly but to do good continually. 

Repentance Brings Joy 

I read a scripture that talks about the joy of repentance. Faith leads us to repentance because we want to be clean and closer to Christ. Many people think of repentance as a hard chore to do. Yes it is difficult swallowing our pride and guilt to come to the Lord. Though when we do we take off the heavy burden of our sins and drop it at His scarred feet. He then takes away that burden by giving us forgiveness, peace and joy. 

Now On To #week2hope 

I hope you have enjoyed reading what I have learned and I hope you have gained new insights. Now I will start posting all about the Christlike attribute Hope. 

If you would like please join me by reading in Preach My Gospel Chapter 6 under Hope and post your insights on facebook with #week2hope. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Attribute Activity #week1faith

In Preach My Gospel There is an activity in Chapter 6. It is the Attribute Activity. Here are the directions it has 
Read each item below carefully. Decide how true that statement is about you. and choose the most appropriate response from the response key. Write your response to each item in your study journal. Spiritual growth is a gradual process and no one is perfect, so you should expect to rate  yourself better on some items than on others. 

1- Never 
2- Sometimes 
3- Often 
4- Almost Always 
5- Always 

As tomorrow is the last day I am going to focus on #week1faith I wanted to post this. Please take today to read these scriptures and then tomorrow score yourself and make goals on how to improve and strengthen your faith. 

I hope you have enjoyed the insight I have shared. I would love to read any insight or shared testimony. Just add #week1faith. 


    ___* I believe in Christ and accept Him as my Savior. (2 Nephi 25:29)
    ___* I feel confident that God loves me. (1Nephi 11:17)
    ___* I trust the Savior enough to accept His will and do whatever He asks. (1Nephi 3:7)
    ___* I firmly believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can be forgiven of all my sins.

___* I have enough faith in Christ to obtain answers to my prayers. (Mosiah 27:14)

___* I think about the Savior during the day and remember what He has done for me.

___* I have the faith necessary to help make good things happen in my life or the lives of others.

___* I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true. (Moroni 10:3–5)

___* I have enough faith in Christ to accomplish anything He wants me to do—
         even miracles, if necessary. (Moroni 7:33)